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Traders in the futures market thwart prospects of November rate hike

Traders in the futures market thwart prospects of November rate hike

Macro calendar this week (October 23rd ~27th)

By Tiffany Wang, WOO Analyst

In his speech at the Economic Club of New York, Chairman Powell refrained from firmly committing to a particular policy trajectory but provided no signals of a predisposition toward raising interest rates. 

As Powell articulated his perspective, traders in the futures market swiftly eliminated any prospects of a rate hike transpiring in November and concurrently reduced the probability of such a move even in December.

ECB decision on Wednesday and PCE on Friday

The data/events to look out for next week are the ECB decision on Wednesday and PCE on Friday.

Crypto and blockchain events this week (October 23rd ~ 27th)

Meanwhile, here are the biggest crypto and blockchain events happening around the world this week so that you can stay informed.



City, Country

Event link

Generative AI Business Conference

Oct 23rd

San Francisco, US

Generative AI Business Conference

MoneyLive Nordic Banking

Oct 23rd ~ 24th

Copenhagen, Denmark

MoneyLive Nordic Banking

SBC Summit Tbilisi

Oct 23rd ~ 24th

Tbilisi, Georgia

SBC Summit Tbilisi

Blockchain Backstage

Oct 24th

Bogotá, Colombia

Blockchain Backstage

State of Crypto: Policy and Regulation

Oct 24th

Washington D.C, US

State of Crypto: Policy and Regulation

FX Markets Hong Kong

Oct 24th ~ 25th

Hong Kong

FX Markets Hong Kong

WFIS 2023 – Indonesia

Oct 24th ~ 25th

Jakarta, Indonesia

WFIS 2023 – Indonesia


Oct 24th ~ 25th

Vienna, Austria


Augmented Enterprise Summit

Oct 24th ~ 25th

Houston, TX, US

Augmented Enterprise Summit

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