WOO Bi-weekly roundup

WOO Bi-weekly roundup

The WOO Ecosystem has achieved impressive milestones, setting new records in trading volume at both WOO X and WOOFi. Key partnerships, product innovations on WOO X, and consecutive wins and collaborations on WOOFi have also been accomplished. The success underscores WOO's ongoing dedication to innovation and excellence in the market. 

WOOFi Pro and Swap hit new 24-hour milestones - WOOFi Pro achieved a new 24-hour all-time high of $1.25 billion. Additionally, WOOFi Swap surpassed $150 million in 24-hour trading volume.

WOOFi launched Mystery Boxes - A new mechanism for distributing WOOFi Boosters, mystery boxes bring a second layer of gamification to WOOFi Stake. Users can now complete quests natively in the WOOFi app and receive a box that may contain a Booster of random rarity. 

1,683,226 $WOO tokens were burned in July, representing a 26% increase from June. This burn is part of the continuous process where tokens repurchased through auto-compounding on WOOFi Stake are permanently removed from circulation, reducing the total supply and potentially boosting the value of the remaining tokens. Transaction hash>> https://etherscan.io/tx/0x58446bee9ae4fec298e546b09c80a910d62b3d29d04205779a02cedc32af4e03

WOO X introduced pre-market perps for the ORDER token - WOO X has launched a prelaunch perpetual futures market for upcoming tokens, allowing traders to engage in price discovery and hedging before official token issuance. Projects will be vetted for premarket listing based on due diligence, listing timeline, project quality, and token liquidity. The ORDER token from Orderly Network is the first to be offered.

WOO X reached $1.4 billion in 24-hour trading volume, reflecting strong activity and resilience despite a volatile market environment.

WOO X unveils new branding and updated social platforms - The WOO X site and app have received a brand facelift, featuring a cleaner UI/UX. This sleek new look, which includes updates to WOO X's social platforms, underscores our commitment to growth and innovation.

WOO X launches fresh $2m MM rewards pool - WOO X has launched a $2,000,000 market maker rewards pool to boost liquidity further. This initiative highlights WOO X's dedication to providing exceptional trading opportunities and robust support for our partners. 

“Our commitment to providing efficient and liquid markets has been greatly amplified by WOO X's DMM program, which has provided us with valuable financial incentives and enhanced trading opportunities. The new $2,000,000 rewards pool amplifies these benefits and reinforces our shared dedication to transparency and trust in centralized crypto trading. We look forward to continuing our partnership with WOO X and supporting its growth as a leading global platform,” said Selini Capital Chief Commercial Officer, Christophe de la Celle.

WOO Ecosystem seeks a slice of the $10 billion pre-market assets - The WOO Ecosystem through the WOO Innovation Hub has partnered with Bubbly Finance to develop and capture $10 billion in pre-market assets. Pre-market assets are investment tokens or rewards, such as points, airdrops, and future token agreements, given before they are officially available on public markets.

Luke Guo, Bubbly Finance Co-founder, added, "We’re thrilled with the support from the WOO Innovation Hub. Their strong partnerships and resources will complement Bubbly’s pre-market AMM DEX, enhancing value for both our users and businesses."

WOO X has partnered with TetherMax, a leading cashback platform for cryptocurrency traders. This collaboration provides unique benefits to TetherMax referral users, allowing them to earn rewards while trading on WOO X. The integration uses APIs to track commissions from referred users, with TetherMax returning referral commissions to users trading on WOO X, enhancing their trading experience with tangible rewards.

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