Live Balance

Live dashboard displaying WOO's total reserves, assets safeguarded in custody, use of liquidity sources, and user deposit liabilities.

Data updated every
Include WOO Token
Updated: --
Reserve ratio
Total assets / Total liabilities
Total assets
Total liabilities
Custody ratio
Custodial storage / Total liabilities
Custodial storage
Total liabilities
(USD, in millions)
Include WOO Token
Updated: --
Total assets
Custodial storage
List of addresses
Due to Cobo Custody safeguarding client assets in omnibus accounts, assets there currently cannot be tracked on chain.
Liquidity sources
The USDC RWA subscriptions from Earn are deposited into OpenTrade, which is powered by USDC.
Assets distribution
Notional Amount

Source: CEXs & Cobo Custody from read only API key (verified by 3rd party periodically).

(USD, in millions)
Include WOO Token
Updated: --
Total liabilities
Liabilities distribution
User Balance
User Margin
Source: User ID Merkle tree proof.
Earn liabilities
Note: Earn liabilities are excluded from the total. Check WOO Earn for more details.
Merkle Tree Proofs
Verify your account balance in our reserves
On top of our live dashboard, our Merkle tree proofs are a cryptographic solution for users to directly verify account balances against WOO X holdings.

Users can also download the full Merkle tree to review the complete data set. As a further gesture of our commitment to transparency, we have open-sourced the code, which you can review in the section below.
Audit record
The verification reflects your account balance in the supported assets at the time of the audit
Record ID
Verify your account
Users can verify their balances are included in the Merkle tree. If the balance displayed below is correct (at the time of snapshot), it demonstrates that the data shown on the dashboard is accurate. You can also check Githubfor the detail of Merkle tree.
Select an audit snapshot time in the dropdown menu:
Find your unique user Merkle hash and paste it below:
Please note that accounts with no assets or who did not pass KYC will not see their information on the Merkle tree. Negative assets will not be reflected on the tree.
Defining Transparency
WOO X is much more than a simple exchange with its ability to aggregate liquidity from top trading venues and provide this liquidity at lower fees. We believe true transparency is based on these founding principles:

  • Real-time, verifiable information on assets and liabilities
  • Over-collateralization of assets to liabilities to act as a buffer
  • Users are entitled to the benefits of senior creditors to the extent of applicable laws
  • External auditing and verification of completeness and accuracy of the methodology
  • Conservative and diversified holdings on liquidity venues such as Binance and OKX
  • Embracing DeFi and non-custodial trading as a fundamental solution to counterparty risk
Tỷ lệ dự trữ là gì?
Tỷ lệ dự trữ đề cập đến lượng dự trữ tiền mặt mà WOO X có liên quan đến các khoản nợ tiền gửi của người dùng. Tỷ lệ dự trữ trên 100% có nghĩa là các khoản nợ tiền gửi của người dùng được hỗ trợ 1:1 bằng tài sản trên WOO X, cũng như dự trữ tiền mặt và quỹ bảo hiểm.
What is a custody ratio?
The custody ratio shows what percent of user deposit liabilities are stored with custodians or in cold storage, versus stored in third-party liquidity sources. Currently, some shares of users’ deposits are utilized for hedging and liquidity aggregation on third-party platforms to provide the best price execution for traders on WOO X. To increase confidence from users, WOO X will strive to keep a safe custody ratio greater than 75%. This rate will also allow us to maintain our deep liquidity and lowest-fees value proposition for our users. In the future, users will be able to opt out of allocating their assets to market makers but may not receive all the benefits of lowest fee trading.
Why are some assets on third party exchanges?
WOO X does not operate like a typical exchange. WOO X utilizes a combination of market makers, third-party exchanges, DEXs, and other venues to provide deep liquidity with the lowest fees, while diversifying exchange risk to the user. Funds on exchanges are used solely for hedging and liquidity aggregation purposes, and are never used for speculation. The custody ratio reports the amount of user deposit liabilities safeguarded in custody and insulated from counterparty risk with third-party exchanges and market makers. Moreover, WOO X monitors third-party credit-worthiness 24/7/365 to minimize counterparty risk. Assets exposed on liquidity sources can be recalled to custody if counterparty risk is deemed too high.
Điều gì xảy ra nếu một nguồn thanh khoản trở nên mất khả năng thanh toán?
WOO X sẽ luôn cố gắng bảo vệ người dùng khỏi những tổn thất. WOO X giám sát mức độ tin cậy về tín dụng của bên thứ ba 24/7/365 để giảm thiểu rủi ro đối tác và tác động của việc nguồn thanh khoản trở nên mất khả năng thanh toán. Cách làm này giúp người dùng đa dạng hóa rủi ro trao đổi trong khi tiếp cận thanh khoản sâu với mức phí thấp nhất. Trong trường hợp người dùng yêu cầu xác nhận tài sản của họ từ WOO X, phát sinh từ các vấn đề về thanh khoản, người dùng được hưởng các lợi ích của chủ nợ cấp cao trong phạm vi luật hiện hành.
How can I be sure the numbers are accurate and authentic?
Data is updated every 15 minutes from a combination of on-chain data and API keys. WOO X aims to complete a financial audit by a reputable, independent third party to verify the data reported is accurate and complete.
What if the price of WOO drops?
First, WOO tokens are not included in the reserve ratio - only WOO X’s cash reserves and non-WOO insurance fund are included. If WOO drops in value, these reserve ratios do not change because WOO balances are excluded. Moreover, WOO X does not use WOO tokens for collateral on loans and is committed to maintaining this policy indefinitely.
Làm cách nào để tôi biết rằng các khoản nợ đại diện cho tất cả các khoản nợ của người dùng?
WOO X uses Merkle Tree proofs to verify user liabilities (deposits and balances). Merkle Trees allow users to cryptographically verify that their balances are included in the complete snapshot of liabilities. Moreover, WOO X aims to complete a financial audit by a reputable, independent third party to verify the data reported is accurate and complete.
Why do I sometimes see a token mismatch between the assets and liabilities?
You may sometimes find that there’s a token mismatch between the assets and liabilities. This is because some of the delta-neutral hedging activities utilize futures to hedge underlying spot positions while reducing exposure to liquidity sources. WOO X holds assets and positions against user liabilities. The strategy is strictly hedging with very tight risk limits.

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