WOOTube Video Contest Winners Announced

WOOTube Video Contest Winners Announced

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the WOOTube Video Contest, where participants showcased their creativity and expertise in presenting WOO X to the world. This contest has celebrated innovation and community spirit within our ecosystem. 

Here are the winners:

1st Place (15,000 $WOO tokens):

2nd Place (7,500 $WOO tokens):

  1. 3rd Place (3,750 $WOO tokens):
  1. 4th - 10th Place (750 $WOO tokens each):

Congratulations to all the winners! Your dedication and creativity have set a high standard in demonstrating the capabilities of WOO X.

Stay tuned for future events and opportunities to engage with the WOO community.

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The content of this document has been translated into different languages and shared throughout different platforms. In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between different posts caused by mistranslations, the English version on our official website shall prevail.

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