WOO X partners with TechnicalRoundup for product ambassadorship and user growth

WOO X partners with TechnicalRoundup for product ambassadorship and user growth

The strategic relationship with Technical Roundup and its founders, CryptoCred and DonAlt, will see both parties working closely together to cement WOO X as the leading exchange for sophisticated traders.

Today saw the announcement of WOO X sponsoring Technical Roundup and launching product ambassadorships with its founders, CryptoCred and DonAlt. Alongside WOO X supporting the two traders’ content, Cred and Don will be working closely alongside the WOO X team with the common goal of pushing WOO X to become a leading CEX - where a close connection with real traders is essential for building a product that traders actually want.

The experience of Don and Cred in both crypto markets and the industry as a whole is an invaluable tool for any centralized exchange. As users of WOO X and product ambassadors, they will be positioned both as essential voices for the development and direction of the platform. Alongside our select group of product ambassadors, Cred and Don will be an essential link in the chain of product feedback, testing, and idea development - already having influenced key changes to our transparency documents.

With the help of high-quality traders and thought leaders like Cred and Don, WOO X will continue to push to be the ultimate centralized exchange for sophisticated traders - leading in price execution, UX, and transparency.

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