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China GDP and UK CPI data coming this week

China GDP and UK CPI data coming this week

by Tiffany Wang, WOO Analyst

The US Consumer Price Index (CPI) has exceeded expectations, mainly driven by shelter costs. The markets have adjusted to anticipate more than 20 basis points of cuts by March, indicating a probability of over 75% that the Federal Reserve will implement these measures by then.

However, the latest core CPI data indicates an approximately 0.2% month-on-month rise in core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE). This implies that PCE is still annualizing at 2%, especially considering the Federal Funds Rate is at 5.25%.

Crypto and blockchain events this week

Meanwhile, here are the biggest crypto and blockchain events happening around the world this week so that you can stay informed.




Event link

Blockchain NET ⌀

16 January


Blockchain NET ⌀

IFX Expo

16 January

United Arab Emirates

IFX Expo

FinTech India Expo

17 January


FinTech India Expo

Digital Gaming India Expo

17 January


Digital Gaming India Expo

Caribbean Blockchain & Tech 2024

19 January

The Bahamas

Caribbean Blockchain & Tech 2024

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